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SSB Interview

SSB(Services selection board), is a interview conducted by Indian army to select class A commissioned officers for Army services.
It is a 5 day interview to judge Psychological, Physical and personality aspects of candidates.During SSB, the main emphasize is on candidates mental abilities.Each and every candidate who want to join Indian army by any  mean/way has to go through SSB test.This interview can be attempted any no. of times in between               pre-described age limit.
This kind of 5 day selection interview for Officers was originated from 2nd World war.These interviews are designed to check a pre-described set of Officer like qualities in a candidate.Tests are although easy to attempt but level of precision need to be very high.The pass-out percentage is very low in SSB interviews, near about  4-7%.
The set of qualities, candidate must show in order to clear the interviews are: -

  • Patriotism
  • Positive attitude in every condition
  • Confidence in own abilities
  • Determination
  • Communication skills
  • Discipline
  • Well organized
  • Taking initiative
  • Sense of responsibility
  • General intelligence
  • Judgement under stress
  • Courage
SSB Procedure

Candidates need to reach their respective Centers at given dates.They are asked to carry some essentials with them as mentioned later in this post.Candidates report at main railway station of respected centers at around 2 pm in the evening .
First day, there is no such task.Candidates assemble in their respective centers till late evening.A document check is carried at very initial day,they send defaulters back home.

Official day 1 starts next day, where candidates do their breakfast early in the morning and assemble for Screening test.
Screening Test
First hurdle, a series of test is being taken to check aptitude and perception power of candidates.On the basis of this test, around 60% of the candidates sent back.Remaining 40% undergo tests for 4 more days.
Firstly, there is a aptitude test with low difficulty level.
Then there is a picture perception test, in which candidates need to observe a picture for 15 seconds and then need to write a story accordingly within 3 minutes.

 Check the example of Picture Perception Test 

This test is very Simple but the great rush of candidates make it tough.

 The remaining candidates then fill Personal Detail forms, Please be careful while filling these Personal Information Forms as these this information by you is the base of whole of your Interview.
After that candidates get personal bedding, room and other updates.

Day 2 again is a eventful one, when candidates goes through Psychological Test, be prepared with 2 Pens and Calm mind.

Psychological Test
Be normal, natural while performing. Candidates asked to write 12 stories with same procedure as in Screening.For 12th story they show a Blank picture, so you need a write something of your own(Whatever comes in your mind).

After story writing, it'e time for Word association test, candidates are supposed to write a short sentence depending upon the keyword shown to them, one after one. A total of 60 keywords shown to them one after one.
Then there is a situation reaction test, where candidates write their responses for different conditions presented in front of them on a piece of paper.
At the end of the day, a couple of candidates were called for the interviews. Check out the common Interview questions.

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